Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Documentary of our trip to Mendocino on our 25th wedding anniversary. Having fun with the children's game, "Duck, Duck, Goose." Commentary on seriousness and play in Buddhism.


This subtle play on words explores the role of abstraction in art and asks, "A picture is worth a thousand words" or is it?

Strangers to Themselves

Freud saw Leonardo da Vinci as a repressed homosexual; Jung develops the idea of the the animus [the male side of woman] and the anima [the female side of man] which may be seen in the complex personalities of Leonardo, Mona Lisa, Mr. Lisa, and man/woman-kind. What was the Mona Lisa thinking? We are truly strangers to ourselves.


His life of obscure poetry
So unique
It was hard to understand
What plagued him.
Only with great effort
Could I begin to glimpse
What he meant
But most remained hidden
In his own private world
Undisturbed by me.

Her feelings were hid
beneath her facial mask,
though for my help
she sure did ask.
She talked a lot
but made no sense.
It was easy to spot
her ambivalence,
for in her way
pretense was defense.
Though she came so close,
she remained far away.


This video poem is presented by our dog, Sophie. The pun of dog and doggerel is intended.

What would it be like
to lead a dog's life
and not know
you lead a dog's life?
I do.

I had over-parked my time
with wretched rhymes
and jingle-jangle lines.

My metered mind
had run out of nickels,
so I began to write free verse.

I moved to assonance
and dissonance,
from passonance to pissonance
and found myself
the dog's delight.

Sisyphus Disjunct

This existential piece is based upon the Greek myth about Sisyphus, a figure of Greek mythology who was condemned to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a rock up a mountain, only to see it roll down again. The music is a keyboard improvisation.

Excerpts Part One 2006 and 2007

These two videos, Parts one and two, are excerpts from 2006 and 2007 YouTube presentations. Images are related poetically with rhymes or alliteration of themes, colors, techniques, emotions. In them you can see the range of material, variety of expressions, as well as the different music/soundscapes which I created to go with them.

Excerpts Part Two 2006 and 2007

These two videos, Parts one and two, are excerpts from 2006 and 2007 YouTube presentations. Images are related poetically with rhymes or alliteration of themes, colors, techniques, emotions. In them you can see the range of material, variety of expressions, as well as the different music/soundscapes which I created to go with them. Start with Part one.

Father's Day

Completed on Father's day, this abstract video is accompanied with music improvisation


Playful colorful abstraction with similar music/sound, something that Jasper Johns might have done in video


Video abstraction of subtle changes with music created on 070614

Ghosts in the Gallery

Late at night unusual beings peruse the gallery.

Fast Fridays

The Fridays night ghosting of the galleries. Quick view of the audience of my art show, Flower Garden, at the Core Fine Art Gallery in Denver, June 1, 2007.


An experimental art video with improvised keyboard music